My perfect world utopia would be a world without money where we all work and live together in harmony with our planet and striving for peace, love and prosperity.

Unfortunately that will probably never happen.What I see is a world deeply divided that is clawing their way through earth and each other.

What I also see is a world where some groups seek absolute dominance at the cost of others and some groups seek to embrace differences and work around and with them.

When I start this VOTU project the world is in a lot of turmoil. We are getting served the bill from years of unsustainable exploitation of both human and earthly resources. For decades it is mostly the so-called western countries that have enriched themselves at the cost of non-western countries. Giant western corporations have been strip-mining countries of their resources and kept most of the benefits to themselves. The time of massive colonization of the world has come to an end but it has not yet been so long ago as to erase all traces of it. Western countries now say 'sorry' about their part in slavery, but the much more severe exploitation of resources is largely left unspoken of and continues to this day.

The western world also sees itself as having the moral high-ground with a presumably superior style of governing (liberal democracy), a perceived truth about religion (Christianity), privatization and 'freedom of speech' and coming from that a deep notion of needing to bring those traits to the (so-called uncivilised) rest of the world. Other political systems, beliefs and values are considered either consciously or unconsciously as inferior. So much so that they are often demonized and painted as the enemy. Any push-back is perceived as hostile and an attack on our values and security.